Jessica Shortall

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Jessica Shortall

1 Published BooksJessica Shortall

Jessica Shortall is a thirty-something working mother of two, with a career dedicated to the intersection of business and doing good. For five years, she was the first Director of Giving for TOMS Shoes, a job that had her literally circumnavigating the globe with a breast pump.

Jessica started her adult life as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uzbekistan, and has worked in the non-profit, start-up, corporate, and human rights worlds in the U.S. and internationally.

Before she had children, Jessica enjoyed travel, yoga, cooking, and wine. Today, her interests include just keeping it together, and also wine.

In the news and on the web
Jessica is a featured writer and interview subject on breastfeeding, pumping at work, women's rights in the workplace, and America's ridiculously crappy approach to maternity leave. She writes regularly for The Bump and has been featured on The Huffington Post, Working Mother Magazine, BlogHer, and Every Mother Counts, with posts that are consistently viral and widely shared.

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