Max Nowaz

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Max Nowaz

5 Published BooksMax Nowaz

Having completed several Creative Writing courses, including at Birkbeck and Faber, I took up writing seriously in 2012.
My first novel ‘The Arbitrator’ was published in July 2016 and 'Get Rich or Get Lucky' was published in January 2017. Both books enjoyed surprising success and great reviews. Updated versions of Get Rich or Get Lucky and The Arbitrator (with two new chapters) along with e-books were published on Amazon in 2019.
My two new novels 'The Polymorph' and 'The Three Witches and The Master' are now ready and hopefully will be published in 2022.
l have also written two plays, one of which, 'Cheating Death' has been successfully produced on stage in February/March 2019 at The Cockpit Theatre, London. It ran for three weeks and enjoyed surprising success. Further novels are at a planning stage.
An updated version 'Timbi's Dream' a children's fantasy story in rhyme was republished in 2019 as an e-book only and features more improved rhymes.