Brian McLaughlin

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Brian  McLaughlin

1 Published BooksBrian McLaughlin

Brian McLaughlin grew up in northern Minnesota. In the early 80's he was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons by a friend which lead to many hours, days, and years of playing the game. In most cases he was dungeon master, which helped lay the foundation for storytelling. After college and working in the paper industry for over 18 years, Brian decided to try his hand at writing on the weekends. Falling back on his years of playing D&D, he began to create the first vestiges of the world of Thran! First came the world map, then the characters, and then the very vague concept of a son searching for his father. From there, the characters blossomed and the story was born!

Aside from writing, Brian enjoys spending time with his wife Lynda and his two children, Garrett and Rachel. His competitive spirit has never left him, and from a young age sports and competition has always been a part of his life. Today he enjoys playing morning basketball, watching NFL games, NASCAR races, and UW (Badger) basketball, and getting a couple games of chess in each night.

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