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1 Published BooksK.I.S.


Despite growing up in sunny South Africa within walking distance of the wide, sandy beach, K.I.S. was forever carrying a book around and hiding out of sight somewhere, getting lost in the drama on the page. To this day, her idea of perfection is a cup of tea, a comfortable armchair, and a good book (not breaking the bookish, nerdy stereotype at all). To complete this cosy picture, she is also an avid knitter and crocheter, with a definite penchant for cats.

Her first, full-length story was about two ducks that go on a farmyard adventure, bashed out on her mother's old typewriter at the ripe old age of seven. An English teacher by trade, K.I.S. always envisioned herself as a writer but never got around to actually completing a story after her epic poultry caper… Until now.

Her greatest ambition, like Jo March, is to move beyond the (admittedly ever-supportive) readership of her sisters and family, and share her tales with others.

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