Joseph Veillon

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Joseph Veillon

1 Published BooksJoseph Veillon

Joseph Veillon (Joe to his friends) grew up in the Cajun country of Louisiana, immersed in the culture of his French and Acadian heritage. He lives in the small town of Kinder, Louisiana, in a house crammed full of books and files of research materials. Joe is a huge fan of science fiction and horror, especially apocalyptic horror and zombies. When he is not writing or planning for the Zombie Apocalypse, Joe enjoys history and science, exploring old abandoned places, fishing, watching videos on YouTube, and sleeping late.

Joe has degrees in Law Enforcement and Nursing, and certification in Biology Education,
but says he learned his most important lessons in the school of real life. Before taking the leap into the world of writing, Joe worked as a street cop and a detective, worked in a hospital emergency room, and taught a college laboratory course in human anatomy. With this experience, to say that Joe has seen his share of weird stuff would be an understatement.

Joe has published one book, Edward’s Twilight, a parody of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. He is currently writing The Reaper Event, a novel about a zombie apocalypse.

Feel free to contact Joe on Goodreads.

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