Hush Little Baby

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Hush Little Baby

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It was almost too horrible to imagine. How could a nice young air force wife like Darci Kayleen Pierce kill another woman and steal her baby? Yet,...

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It was almost too horrible to imagine. How could a nice young air force wife like Darci Kayleen Pierce kill another woman and steal her baby? Yet, something seemed terribly wrong that afternoon of July 23, 1987 when she arrived covered in fresh blood at an Albuquerque hospital emergency room. Darci claimed to have just given birth in her car to the premature infant crying in her arms, but refused all medical treatment. Suspicious of her story, the admitting staff called the police, and after hours of interrogation, the ugly truth became known.

That morning, Pierce had kidnapped Cindy Lynn Ray, twenty-three, a Mormon mother in her ninth month of pregnancy and driven her to a remote rural area. First strangling Ray unconscious, Darci used a car key to perform a crude Cesarean section on her, stole her baby, then left her to bleed to death..

In this electrifying true crime account, Jim Carrier dramatically recreates the bizarre life and events that compelled Darci to turn her tortured dream of motherhood into a hideous nightmare of unnatural violence and death!

  • Format:
  • Pages:279 pages
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  • ISBN10:1558175415
  • ISBN13:9781558175419
  • kindle Asin:1558175415

About Author

Jim Carrier

Jim Carrier

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