Go Suck a Lemon: Strategies for Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

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Go Suck a Lemon: Strategies for Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

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All of your emotional consequences, regardless of how much strength you've given them, can be brought down, deconstructed and reshaped. You will just...

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All of your emotional consequences, regardless of how much strength you've given them, can be brought down, deconstructed and reshaped. You will just have to learn how to give your knee-jerk response to emotional stimuli less strength - less of a jerk, if you will. In order to do that you will have to commit to reinventing the way you think and behave. You will approach that task by accepting and then adapting to a no-nonsense style of emotional problem solving. You will learn and use a process of level-headed decision-making. You will try to become more efficient, flexible and open-minded when addressing our emotional problems. You will learn that there is always another emotional option. You will learn to make fact-based observations, something most of us are unfamiliar with doing. You will also incorporate in vivo (in life) exposure, i.e., homework, to encourage you to independently act against your learned thoughts and behaviors.

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  • kindle Asin:B004G091KU

About Author

Michael       Cornwall

Michael Cornwall

3.73 496 47
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