The Edwardians

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The Edwardians

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At nineteen, Sebastian is a duke and heir to a vast country estate. A deep sense of tradition binds him to his inheritance, though he loathes the...

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More Details

At nineteen, Sebastian is a duke and heir to a vast country estate. A deep sense of tradition binds him to his inheritance, though he loathes the social circus he is a part of. Deception, infidelity and greed hide beneath the glittering surface of good manners. Among the guests at a lavish party are two people who will change Sebastian's life: Lady Roehampton, who will initiate him in the art of love; and Leonard Anquetil, a polar explorer who will lead Sebastian and his free-spirited sister Viola to question their destiny.

A portrait of fashionable society at the height of the era, THE EDWARDIANS revealed all that was glamorous about the period - and all that was to lead to its downfall. First published in 1930, it was Vita Sackville-West's most successful book.

  • Format:
  • Pages:285 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Virago
  • Edition:Virago Modern Classics
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0860683591
  • ISBN13:9780860683599
  • kindle Asin:B071GJBK29

About Author

Vita Sackville-West

Vita Sackville-West

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