Good Town

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Good Town

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In Nazi Germany, a pious man makes a decision to protect his family, but at what cost?Josef Haupt, once a staunch opponent of Hitler, now finds...

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More Details

In Nazi Germany, a pious man makes a decision to protect his family, but at what cost?

Josef Haupt, once a staunch opponent of Hitler, now finds himself as a local Reich official, enabling the horror he once fought against. As the Jewish community is sent to their deaths and his sons are drafted to fight in the war, the evil of his choices ricochets against his family.

His eldest daughter, Margarete, watches as her once-peaceful town becomes an authoritarian outpost. She comes of age amidst the chaos of war while also fighting to keep her mother and sisters alive. When the war and the Soviet occupation decimate the family, Margarete is left to lead her mother and sisters out of their tragedies.

Good Town is a heart-wrenching tale of complicity and courage, told through the eyes of a father and daughter. Based on a true story, this gripping historical fiction will take you on a journey through one family's struggle to survive in the face of unimaginable evil.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:2023
  • Publisher:Posit Publishing
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:9798987987308
  • kindle Asin:B0BYDZDQS3

About Author

Mary Louise Wells

Mary Louise Wells

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