Forever Too Far (Rosemary Beach, #3; Too Far, #3)

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Forever Too Far (Rosemary Beach, #3; Too Far, #3)

4.20 80876 4374

Rush promised her forever... but promises can be broken. Torn between his love for his family and his love for Blaire, Rush has to find a way to save...

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More Details

Rush promised her forever... but promises can be broken.

Torn between his love for his family and his love for Blaire, Rush has to find a way to save one without losing the other. In the end one has to be more important. Letting go isn’t easy.

Blaire believed in her fairytale... but no one can live in a fantasy.

Her love for Rush and desire to have a family keep her believing that they can find a way for this to work. Until she has to make the right decision for her and the baby. Even if it breaks her heart.

Can they find the forever that they both want or has it all just gone... too far?

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:292 pages
  • Publication:2013
  • Publisher:Abbi Glines
  • Edition:US
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B00HOFG4CM

About Author

Abbi Glines

Abbi Glines

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