Tear You Apart

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Tear You Apart

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Their passion will consume everything–and everyone–in its path...I'm on a train.I don't know which stop I got on at; I only know the train is...

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Their passion will consume everything–and everyone–in its path...

I'm on a train.

I don't know which stop I got on at; I only know the train is going fast and the world outside becomes a blur. I should get off, but I don't. The universe is playing a cosmic joke on me. Here I had my life—a good life with everything a woman could want—and suddenly, there is something more I didn't know I could have. A chance for me to be satisfied and content and maybe even on occasion deliriously, amazingly, exuberantly fulfilled.

So this is where I am, on a train that's out of control, and I am not just a passenger. I'm the one shoveling the furnace full of coal to keep it going fast and faster.

If I could make myself believe it all happened by chance and I couldn't help it, that I've been swept away, that it's not my fault, that it's fate...would that be easier? The truth is, I didn't know I was looking for this until I found Will, but I must've been, all this time. And now it is not random, it is not fate, it is not being swept away.

This is my choice. And I don't know how to stop.

Or even if I want to.

  • Format:
  • Pages:298 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:Original
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0778314774
  • ISBN13:9780778314776
  • kindle Asin:B0BR44QV4M

About Author

Megan Hart

Megan Hart

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