Sipping from the Nile: My Exodus from Egypt

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Sipping from the Nile: My Exodus from Egypt

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In this coming-of-age memoir about a privileged, protected childhood in the exotic milieu of 1950's Egypt, author Jean Naggar describes a magical...

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In this coming-of-age memoir about a privileged, protected childhood in the exotic milieu of 1950's Egypt, author Jean Naggar describes a magical time that seemed as if it would never end. But Egypt's nationalizing of the Suez Canal would set in motion events that would change her life forever. An enchanted existence suddenly ended by international hostilities, her family is quickly scattered far and wide, and Naggar is eventually swept into adulthood and the challenge of new horizons in America. Speaking for a different wave of immigrants whose Sephardic origins explore the American Jewish story through an unfamiliar lens, Naggar traces her personal journey through lost worlds and difficult transitions, exotic locales and strong family values. The story resonates for all in this poignant exploration of the innocence of childhood in a world breaking apart. An intriguing way of life that no longer exists. Glamorous, exciting, filled with the sophisticated life of a Jewish family living in Europe and the Middle East, Naggar documents times of elegant lifestyles, to the tumultuous struggles of war? And like every family, there is passionate love and loss, but always there is the undercurrent of delight and an indomitable will to do more than just survive.

Alternate Cover Image: ISBN-10: 1612181414/ ISBN-13: 9781612181417)1

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:388 pages
  • Publication:2012
  • Publisher:Amazon Encore
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

Jean Naggar

Jean Naggar

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