Susurex (Susix Trilogy, #2)

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Susurex (Susix Trilogy, #2)

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Cece Levine is stranded with a crew of snake aliens. Luckily, these ones like her. The last ones she met tried to kill her.The crew and I have a few...

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More Details

Cece Levine is stranded with a crew of snake aliens. Luckily, these ones like her. The last ones she met tried to kill her.

The crew and I have a few things to work through now that we can communicate. Like why was I pretending to be a pet? What are we going to do now? And why are all of these aliens trying to kill us? Before we do anything, we need to get our ship fixed. With no better options, we fly to the closest planet to find the least reputable mechanic we can.

When an ambush turns into a city wide brawl, we're suddenly in a race against time to save one of our own. Unfortunately, the entire universe knows who we are and they all want a piece of us. There's no hiding this time. We've got to face it all head on.

In order to survive, we need to work together. How can we do that when our goals are on opposite sides of the universe?

Follow Cece and the Nest as they fly across space dodging assassination attempts left and right.

Author's Note: This is still a slow-burn romance. This book has some spice, but don't expect it to overpower all of the crazy fight scenes. We will end up with a reverse harem, so be patient *wink*

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About Author

Amelia Rademaker

Amelia Rademaker

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