JFK: In His Time and Ours

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JFK: In His Time and Ours

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To mark the life, political career, and enduring cultural legacy of John F. Kennedy, the Atlantic's commemorative edition, "JFK: In His Time and...

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To mark the life, political career, and enduring cultural legacy of John F. Kennedy, the Atlantic's commemorative edition, "JFK: In His Time and Ours," reveals the many sources of President Kennedy's continuing hold on the national imagination. The collection features original essays by leading historians and writers, as well as articles and reportage culled from the magazine's rich archive.

With an introduction by President Bill Clinton, who considers his predecessor's contributions to Civil Rights, the issue also includes:

*Presidential historian Robert Dallek's new revelations about JFK's battles with his own military advisors, who kept arguing for the deployment of nuclear weapons in the Cold War.
*JFK Library Director Thomas Putnam's recounting of the real story behind Kennedy's most eloquent speech on the world stage, his famous Ich bin ein Berliner speech in 1963.
*Columbia Historian's Alan Brinkley's essay explaining why the American public holds JFK in so much higher esteem than professional historian do
*Novelist Thomas Mallon's piece of short fiction, "Magnified," which imagines what would have happened if Lee Harvey Oswald had lost his nerve on November 22, 1963

Plus: Atlantic articles on the Kennedy era by Eleanor Roosevelt, Garry Wills, Walter Lippmann, Samuel Eliot Morison, Caitlin Flanagan, Robert F. Kennedy, and JFK himself, among many others.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
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  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0988783142
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B00F4DM2NG

About Author

Burt Solomon

Burt Solomon

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