Rivalry (Vegas Aces: The Coach, #1)

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Rivalry (Vegas Aces: The Coach, #1)

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When I score the promotion of my dreams and my boss tells me to become best friends with the new head coach of the Vegas Aces, I do everything I can...

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More Details

When I score the promotion of my dreams and my boss tells me to become best friends with the new head coach of the Vegas Aces, I do everything I can to prevent the inevitable from happening.

The Vegas Aces could’ve hired anyone as their head coach. Despite my protests and warnings, they chose Lincoln Nash.

With a family rivalry spanning two decades, I’ve been conditioned to hate the entire family. But there’s a special passion to my hatred for the new coach. He was my first when we were teenagers, and then a few days later, he broke my heart.

When I’m named the Vegas Aces team correspondent for my news channel and the team owner grants me the first exclusive interview, it takes everything in my power to keep it professional as I interview my mortal enemy.

A family feud may have torn us apart, but the biggest rivalry of all is going to be keeping my job as I fight my feelings for the new coach.

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  • kindle Asin:B0CFMD2JD3

About Author

Lisa Suzanne

Lisa Suzanne

4.22 108659 15566
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