The Revenge Agenda (Accidental Love, #3)

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The Revenge Agenda (Accidental Love, #3)

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RushWhen I show up to surprise my boyfriend in a barely-there festive outfit, I’m expecting him to be alone.Not hosting family.His fiancé’s...

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When I show up to surprise my boyfriend in a barely-there festive outfit, I’m expecting him to be alone.

Not hosting family.

His fiancé’s family.

Down one boyfriend and up a lot of embarrassment, I flee with my tail between my legs. The broken heart will fade. My humiliation, not so much, but my saving grace is the fact that I never have to see either of them ever, ever again.

Until I walk into work and come face to face with my new boss.


I never, in a million years, would have guessed the man hiding under his desk at work would be the one person I hoped to never see again.

My ex-fiancé’s side piece.

Apparently I can’t fire the guy because of personal issues, so I try to play nice, which is a whole lot harder to do when I find out my ex is still texting Rush. The same ex I haven’t heard from since I walked out on his begging.

Rush tells me he didn’t know about me. He tells me there were others. He also tells me our ex still wants him and so, we come up with a plan. To show him what it feels like when you want someone who doesn’t want you back.

All we need is a camera. His number. And one shared kiss.

Revenge has never been sweeter.

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  • Pages: pages
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  • Edition:1st edition
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  • kindle Asin:B0CG2JHJ3R

About Author

Saxon James

Saxon James

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