Since Day One

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Since Day One

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Past lies. Current lust. Forever... love? It's been ten years since Willow Summers moved away from all she knew, and it seems it still wasn't enough...

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Past lies. Current lust. Forever... love? It's been ten years since Willow Summers moved away from all she knew, and it seems it still wasn't enough time apart. Returning to Wyoming for a family reunion was her grandpa's dying wish, but the hostility and heartache she finds certainly weren't. Feeling completely alone, an unexpected cowboy with his own mysterious history rides into her life. Her past left her untrusting of love, while his left him unable to believe in the possibility of a future. Will they both be able to put aside their harrowing pasts and come together, or will they be forever destined to remain as another broken memory? Trigger conversations eluding to past rape and sexual assault and child abuse (not onscreen), emotional abuse, violence, and some unhealed trauma.

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  • kindle Asin:B0CNP2TK4F

About Author

R.L. Atkinson

R.L. Atkinson

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