Sold to the Fae (The Dark Realms, #1)

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Sold to the Fae (The Dark Realms, #1)

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This is a Dark Romance with potential triggers including Non-con and Dub-con. Please read the TW list in the Author's Note at the front of the...

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More Details

This is a Dark Romance with potential triggers including Non-con and Dub-con. Please read the TW list in the Author's Note at the front of the book.

In a dark realm where magic and deception reign, and mortals are mere commodities, will she become their cherished possession...or the instrument of their ruin?

At fifteen, I was a killer—a weapon forged by a deceiving madman's twisted desires. A little bird in a gilded cage, my soul destroyed and remade in his image. I wielded a power no mortal creature should ever control, one I vowed never to use again.

Seven years later, I thought I'd escaped that life. I never expected my past to find me, let alone in the form of the three fae warriors who used to invade my every thought. Dane, Grey, and Kallum—oblivious to my true identity these past few years—now see me for what I am.

The Harbinger.
I am a creature of power and darkness, and now I’m their captive.

Their eyes are alight with hatred and a heat I don't understand; they believe they can control me, punish me for my crimes against them, bend me to their will. But they don’t know what I endured at the hands of their so-called savior, the scars I bear beneath this facade.

Once upon a time, I let myself be a pawn, used in a game I never understood. I learned that my life wasn’t a fairy tale, but it isn’t an ordinary story of predator versus prey either.

They want a taste of the power I can wield?

I’ll give them a feast.
But this time?
I won't stop until I'm finally free and their precious world burns.

Sold to the Fae is the first book in the Dark Realms Series. If you like twisted antiheroes and a strong FMC, multiple POV dark ‘romantasy’ with bite, and a TW page that reads like a shopping list this book is for you.

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  • kindle Asin:B0CS3T79MB

About Author

Kyra Alessy

Kyra Alessy

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