Craving Revenge (Obsessed Mafia Men #0.5)

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Craving Revenge (Obsessed Mafia Men #0.5)

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RadaThey tricked me, sold me, and stripped me of my identity. But they left behind a woman with nothing to lose. They paid with their lives for what...

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They tricked me, sold me, and stripped me of my identity. But they left behind a woman with nothing to lose. They paid with their lives for what they did. Only, my plan went wrong and I swapped one cell for another, but if this Irish mafia psychopath thinks I won’t kill him to get to my sister, he’s wrong.


She was a vision covered in the blood of her enemies, like a goddess anointed in rubies. I took her for myself, but I need her to trust me because we have a common enemy to take down and because I’m never letting her go.

Craving Revenge is a novella prequel to Hiding Desire, the first in the Obsessed Mafia Men series. It can be read as a standalone. The series is a spin-off from the Steel Ventures series and contains side characters from there. It is a contemporary dark romantic suspense. Please check the content warnings because it deals with heavy themes right from the outset. There are dual points of view, MF explicit scenes, and an HFN.

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  • kindle Asin:B0CTYNWX2F

About Author

C.C. Gedling

C.C. Gedling

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