Spilling Clarence

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Spilling Clarence

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What if you could suddenly remember everything that ever happened in your life Would it be a blessing -- or a curseThe answer is found in Spilling...

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What if you could suddenly remember everything that ever happened in your life Would it be a blessing -- or a curseThe answer is found in Spilling Clarence, a satisfying, witty, romantic, and tender novel. In the fictional town of Clarence, Minnesota, a breakroom microwave sparks a smoky fire at the pharmaceutical factory and triggers a massive chemical spill. Panic-stricken and paralyzed, the townspeople wait until the all-clear signal to assure them everything's back to normal. Except that it isn't. Over the coming days, the citizens of Clarence fall under the spell of a strange and powerful drug that unlocks their memories. They become trapped by their own reminiscences: of love and death, of war and childhood, of family they've lost and sins they've committed.

Beautifully rendered with a light comic touch, this bittersweet first novel is about more than the sum of its beguiling parts. It's about the need to remember, and about the bliss of forgetting. A universe peopled by exquisitely drawn characters, Spilling Clarence is a funny, moving story with a truly original premise that introduces the impressive talents of an exciting new writer.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:First Edition
  • Language:en-US
  • ISBN10:0786886625
  • ISBN13:9780786886623
  • kindle Asin:B005MZA24M

About Author

Anne Ursu

Anne Ursu

3.84 37097 5138
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