Gary the Once and Former King (The Unwanted King #2)

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Gary the Once and Former King (The Unwanted King #2)

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The Kingdom of Estla is in turmoil. Power plays, intrigue, and plots seethe in the corridors of power. And Gary of a Hundred Days, Last of the Tyrant...

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More Details

The Kingdom of Estla is in turmoil. Power plays, intrigue, and plots seethe in the corridors of power. And Gary of a Hundred Days, Last of the Tyrant Kings is…well.

He’s dead.

That’s what (almost) everyone thinks, anyway.

As far as Gary’s concerned, they can go ahead and keep thinking it. He’s busy living a whole new life with his beloved Magnus on a homestead in the heartland of Caithen—a kingdom where they don’t want to kill him—and he’s learning all sorts of interesting things about exactly what it means to be a husband and a bondmate.

Okay, he’s trying to learn. It’s turning out to be a lot harder than he thought.

Callin, the ex-stable lad and Gary’s new (first!) best friend, has been less than helpful when it comes to giving Gary the correct advice on how to proceed in intimate matters.

The books Gary ordered for instructional purposes are taking forever to arrive.

And just as he’s starting to make progress in the bedchamber, Gary’s past as the rightful King of Estla rises up once more…

Gary the Once and Former King is a sequel to Gary of a Hundred Days. It’s a low-angst fantasy romantic comedy in which a sheltered ex-king continues to undergo quite the awakening at the hands of his rugged ex-stable master, and everyone’s still way more interested in kissing and romance than in all that rightful heir to the throne business.

And this time?

Gary’s definitely getting his happily ever after.

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  • kindle Asin:B0CW8LYLFQ

About Author

Isabel  Murray

Isabel Murray

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