Medicine and Meditation: Conversations on Mindfulness in the Management of Chronic Pain and Illness

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Medicine and Meditation: Conversations on Mindfulness in the Management of Chronic Pain and Illness

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What are the nuts and bolts of a successful meditation practice? How can it be adopted by someone who is in constant pain? What is needed to make...

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More Details

What are the nuts and bolts of a successful meditation practice? How can it be adopted by someone who is in constant pain? What is needed to make meditating a successful and rewarding practice? Nancy Welch, MS, answers these questions in her 2011 book, Medicine Meditation. Twelve renown professionals from a variety of backgrounds and professions explain how meditation can be successfully adapted and practiced by individuals who currently experience chronic pain and illness.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
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  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
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  • kindle Asin:B0069D3P7C

About Author

Norman Fischer

Norman Fischer

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