It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF

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It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF

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The latest scientific research is changing the way we think about fertility. Poor egg quality is emerging as the single most important cause of...

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The latest scientific research is changing the way we think about fertility. Poor egg quality is emerging as the single most important cause of age-related infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and failed IVF cycles. It is also a major contributor to infertility in PCOS. Based on a comprehensive investigation of a vast array of scientific research, It Starts with the Egg reveals a groundbreaking new approach for improving egg quality and fertility. With a concrete strategy that includes minimizing exposure to toxins such as BPA and phthalates, choosing the right vitamins and supplements to safeguard developing eggs, and harnessing nutritional advice shown to boost IVF success rates, this book offers practical solutions that will help you get pregnant faster and deliver a healthy baby.

“This timely synthesis of scientific literature is essential reading for both women and men wanting practical, evidence-based recommendations to enhance their fertility.” -- Dr. Loretta McKinnon, Epidemiologist, Princess Alexandra Hospital.

“A thoroughly-researched and eye-opening account of how small, simple lifestyle changes can have powerful, positive effects on your health and fertility. A must-read for women wanting the best chance of conceiving a healthy baby.” -- Beth Greer, bestselling author of Super Natural Home

"Was jede Frau und jedes Paar wissen sollte und selbst tun kann, wenn es mit dem Babywunsch nicht klappt
" wissenschaftlich fundiert und untermauert mit aktuellen Studien zu Umweltgiften und Ernährung
" Tipps für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Verbesserung der Eizellqualität

"Ich konnte dieses Buch nicht weglegen, so sehr war ich mit den einfachen Erklärungen dieser komplexen wissenschaftlichen Thematik beschäftigt. Das macht alles viel mehr Sinn, wenn man weiß, dass Ernährung zwar wichtig ist, Unfruchtbarkeit jedoch viel mehr ist als Diät."
- Carolyn Martinez, The Compulsive Reader

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:304 pages
  • Publication:2014
  • Publisher:Franklin Fox Publishing LLC
  • Edition:1
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0991126904
  • ISBN13:9780991126903
  • kindle Asin:B0CBL7RV55

About Author

Rebecca Fett

Rebecca Fett

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