The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos

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The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos

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Some three or more years ago we began with a project that would eventually involve a great deal of research and writing and practical magic, and the...

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Some three or more years ago we began with a project that would eventually involve a great deal of research and writing and practical magic, and the creation of a great deal of artwork. The concepts with which we began rappidly crystalised around the ideas below:

The idea of a 'Chaos Tarot' has periodically surfaced over the years, however the conventional idea of tarot seems far too limiting, and the several attempts to merely introduce Chaoist symbolism into the Conventional tarot format have not proved particularly interesting or groundbreaking.

Visual images can convey ideas and speak to our subconscious often far more effectively and more immediately than words. Moveable images on cards also provide many interesting possibilities that a book of images cannot provide so easily.

However it seems a waste to confine such a resource to just Divination, when it could also have application to Enchantment, Evocation, Invocation, and Illumination as well. Plus the symbolic systems from which conventional tarot derive and the symbolic systems into which more recent commentators have attempted to fit it, now often have little appeal or relevance.

The symbolic systems used in the past to generate or explain the 78 images usually ended up confected in such complex ways that the supposed meanings of the resulting cards bore only a highly etiolated relationship to them. Randomly generated images and meanings would have served the same purpose.

The Tree of Life (Naples arrangement), the Hebrew Alphabet, Astrological symbolism, elemental symbolism, alchemical symbolism, numerological ideas and all, make a rather messy 'universal kabala' with little explanatory power.

This proposed Portal Deck does not have to have 78 cards; it can have whatever number we deem useful.

It would seem nowadays more appropriate to start afresh with something closer to our own physical,psychological and metaphysical maps of ourrealities: -

To perhaps consider the relationship between the classical elements of earth, air fire, water and aether and the concepts of mass, energy, space, time and information.

To perhaps consider using the 8 colours of magic as the basis of a 'biplanetary' scheme that integrates a neo-pagan pantheon with both the eternal and the current challenges of the human condition.

To perhaps consider a replacement of the trancendentalist concepts of the platonic-pagan-monotheist esoteric paradigm with an approach derived from the emerging quantum-neo-pagan esoteric paradigm,by examining what the Lovecraftian perspective of cosmic indifferentism may have to offer.

- Elemental Magic
- Planetary Magic
- Stellar Magic
- Magical Cartography
- Chaobalistic
- Theometric Principles

  • Format:Hardcover
  • Pages:216 pages
  • Publication:2014
  • Publisher:Arcanorium College
  • Edition:First Edition
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0992848822
  • ISBN13:9780992848828
  • kindle Asin:0992848822

About Author

Peter J. Carroll

Peter J. Carroll

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