The Mercedes Coffin (Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus, #17)

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The Mercedes Coffin (Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus, #17)

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Billionaire Genoa Greeves believes the LAPD should finally solve the fifteen-year-old execution-style murder of her favorite teacher, Bennett...

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More Details

Billionaire Genoa Greeves believes the LAPD should finally solve the fifteen-year-old execution-style murder of her favorite teacher, Bennett Little—especially now that Hollywood music producer Primo Ekerling has been slain in an eerily similar manner: shot and stuffed into the trunk of his Mercedes-Benz.

Lieutenant Peter Decker resents having to commit valuable manpower to a cold case simply because a rich woman says, "Jump!" But when a primary investigator in the Little case, now retired, suspiciously commits suicide hours after he and Decker talk, the detective realizes something evil's connecting the dots in two murders separated by a decade and a half. Wife Rina Lazarus offers a cool, rational outlook, as always, despite her growing concern for her husband's welfare—as past and present collide with a vengeance, catapulting Decker ever closer to the edge of an infinite dark abyss.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:William Morrow
  • Edition:1st, First Edition
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0061227331
  • ISBN13:9780061227332
  • kindle Asin:B00139XSLK

About Author

Faye Kellerman

Faye Kellerman

3.91 213464 12856
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