The John Milton Series #4-6 (John Milton, #4-6)

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The John Milton Series #4-6 (John Milton, #4-6)

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This 300,000-word collection includes the fourth, fifth and six books in the best-selling John Milton series, plus an introductory novella, and is...

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More Details

This 300,000-word collection includes the fourth, fifth and six books in the best-selling John Milton series, plus an introductory novella, and is nearly 1000 pages of espionage, revenge, thrills and spills. 

Save 25% versus buying the single books. 

Meet John Milton 

He considers himself an artisan. A craftsman. His trade is murder. 

Milton is the man the government sends after you when everything else has failed. Ruthless. Brilliant. Anonymous. Lethal. You wouldn't pick him out of a crowd but you wouldn't want to be on his list. But now, after ten years, he's had enough - there's blood on his hands and he wants out. Trouble is, this job is not one you can just walk away from. 

He goes on the run, seeking atonement for his sins by helping the people he meets along the way. But his past cannot be easily forgotten and before long it is Milton who is hunted, and not the hunter. 

GHOSTS (Book 4)

John Milton is a ghost.

He was Number One. The most dangerous assassin in Group Fifteen, the black-ops organisation that solves problems when diplomacy has failed. Now Milton is Her Majesty's most wanted fugitive - an anonymous loner with a deadly set of skills. So when he is arrested following a brawl in a Texas bar, the last person he expected to bail him out was a glamorous operative from the Russian Secret Service.

Milton is blackmailed into finding his predecessor as Number One. But she's a ghost, too, and just as dangerous as him.

He finds himself in deep trouble, playing the Russians against the British in a desperate attempt to save the life of his oldest friend.

Some ghosts are better left alone. But these two have been disturbed and now there's going to be hell to pay.


A man called Milton walks into town…

On the run from his own demons, John Milton treks through the Michigan wilderness into the town of Truth. He’s not looking for trouble, but trouble's looking for him. He finds himself up against a small-town cop who has no idea with whom he is dealing, and no idea how dangerous he is.

But Milton is double crossed and badly injured. Unarmed and alone, he flees into the remote Porcupine Mountains with a posse on his tail. His enemies thought they could hunt him down. That was a mistake and, where Milton is concerned, one mistake is all you get.


John Milton is trying to make amends for a career spent killing for the British Secret Service. He has a burning need to right wrongs - and rewrite his own bloody past.

He finds himself in Louisiana – the Big Sleazy, the bayou, and the post-Katrina wreckage of the Gulf Coast - with a debt of honour to repay. Isadora Bartholomew, who saved his partner's life, needs his help. Joel Babineaux, a ruthless property magnate, is out to sink the charity she established to help rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward.

Just when Milton thinks he has neutralised Babineaux’s scheming, a dangerous man from his past takes an unhealthy interest in his present. Claude Boon used to work for the Mossad and might be more than Milton can handle. And then the stakes get even higher…

TARANTULA (Bonus Novella)

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  • Language:eng
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  • kindle Asin:B00QZCL7F4

About Author

Mark  Dawson

Mark Dawson

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