The Granite Toad

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The Granite Toad

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The Granite Toad is a story of overcoming some of the basic fears of youth like change, accepting new people into one’s life and standing up for...

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The Granite Toad is a story of overcoming some of the basic fears of youth like change, accepting new people into one’s life and standing up for what is right. Two young brothers, Joseph, James, and their cousin Maria are upset when they learn their favorite place to play is going to have a house built there soon. They are upset until they find a small magical stone on the build sight that transports them to a wonderful clubhouse built into a huge mahogany tree. The tree house is at the base of a hill where they play, until they notice a big two-story slave plantation at the top. Meanwhile, the neighbors’ cat, Sophie, has also been sneaking through to the past with them and is spotted by many, which wreak havoc on the superstitious slaves. They are discovered by a young black girl named Emma, where they play all day, feeding a big steed and running across the hillside together. Until the young girl’s plantation owner, Master Garrett Thurman II discovers she has not been doing her chores. The three children have to rescue Emma from her angry owner and change history. When they return to their own time they ace their history test that they would have failed. If it had not been for the knowledge they gained while in the past. The story begins in 1871 when Emma has first turned eight years old and is going to have a birthday. Eventually she encounters the eerie white cat that the other fieldsmen have been telling everybody about. Emma learns the animal is just a cat and overcomes her fear and superstition.

  • Format:Hardcover
  • Pages:200 pages
  • Publication:2015
  • Publisher:Xlibris
  • Edition:Large Print
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:9781503517
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

Troy Lane Glover

Troy Lane Glover

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