The Remington Factor

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The Remington Factor

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Pittsburgh.In a hotel elevator a man collapses. His body pulses, the organs rupturing inside him, trying to break free.Those who try to help him,...

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In a hotel elevator a man collapses. His body pulses, the organs rupturing inside him, trying to break free.

Those who try to help him, applying CPR to his prostrate form, pull pieces of his flesh away in their hands. Blood gushes out; the onlookers can only watch as paramedics and doctors at the scene try to salvage his disintegrating form.

He dies, helpless and in agony.

But he is not alone. Soon others who had been in contact with him wind up dead, their bodies likewise mutilated.

The doctor at the scene and his wife.

A father at the movies with his daughter in Seattle.

Today, many will die.

Tomorrow, thousands more?

The top-secret Intelligence Cooperative in Washington D. C. are scrambling into action. Only four men besides themselves know of the existence of this deadly weapon known as Moonshadow.

And those men have had their memories erased.

One of their names: Clifford Remington.

When Remington wakes to find that he cannot remember who he is, he will stop at nothing to find the answer.

Everything is in doubt. All he knows for certain is that there is something terribly wrong.

The world is crumbling around him. And he is the only man capable of putting it back together again.

But there are those who wish to stop him. And they are following him close behind…

And what will they do when they find out that Remington’s memory is slowly returning?

And with it, the memory of Moonshadow…

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Endeavour Press
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B00Z6KWOT4

About Author

Raymond Obstfeld

Raymond Obstfeld

4.01 4580 874
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