Annabel Lee (Coffey & Hill, #1)

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Annabel Lee (Coffey & Hill, #1)

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Fourteen miles east of Peachtree, Alabama, a secret is hidden. That secret's name is Annabel Lee Truckson, and even she doesn't know why her...

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More Details

Fourteen miles east of Peachtree, Alabama, a secret is hidden. That secret's name is Annabel Lee Truckson, and even she doesn't know why her mysterious uncle has stowed her deep underground in a military-style bunker. He's left her with a few German words, a barely-controlled guard dog, and a single command: "Don't open that door for anybody, you got it? Not even me."

Above ground, a former Army sniper called The Mute and an enigmatic "Dr. Smith" know about the girl. As the race begins to find her, the tension builds. Who wants to set her free? Why does the other want to keep her captive forever? Who will reach her first?

Private investigators Trudi Coffey and Samuel Hill need to piece together the clues and stay alive long enough to retrieve the girl--before it's too late.

With its stunning writing and relentless pace, Annabel Lee will captivate readers from the first page.

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:363 pages
  • Publication:2016
  • Publisher:Revell
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0800726448
  • ISBN13:9780800726447
  • kindle Asin:B012H10BCG

About Author

Mike Nappa

Mike Nappa

4.04 1940 522
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