Rise of Tyranny

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Rise of Tyranny

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As the district manager for a sporting goods store, Nelson, knows what it takes to survive off the grid. Michelle is a nurse, a mom, and fully...

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As the district manager for a sporting goods store, Nelson, knows what it takes to survive off the grid. Michelle is a nurse, a mom, and fully capable. Nelson and Michelle are hardworking Americans with a secret: they are part of a circle of individuals who are prepared for the worst. They know that the worst is coming; it's just a matter of time. When the stock markets in Asia crash, the family knows that it is time to pull together with their circle of friends and get to their safe zone. But nothing worth doing is ever easy. Not content to just seize the assets of Americans, the United States government paints a target on the backs of survivalists and preppers, demanding that all Americans turn in their guns, ammunition, and food, and placing restrictions on travel. With the family in the cross-hairs, will they make it safely to their farm? Or will they fall victim to the machinations of a government who no longer believes in the Land of the Free?

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Thomas A. Watson
  • Edition:1
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B011NCZ3SW

About Author

Thomas A. Watson

Thomas A. Watson

4.55 14514 1418
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