One Was Lost

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One Was Lost

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Damaged. Deceptive. Dangerous. Darling. Are they labels or a warning? The answer could cost Sera everything.Murder, justice, and revenge were so not...

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More Details

Damaged. Deceptive. Dangerous. Darling. Are they labels or a warning? The answer could cost Sera everything.

Murder, justice, and revenge were so not a part of the plan when Sera set out on her senior camping trip. After all, hiking through the woods is supposed to be safe and uneventful.

Then one morning the group wakes up groggy, confused, and with words scrawled on their wrists: Damaged. Deceptive. Dangerous. Darling. Their supplies? Destroyed. Half their group? Gone. Their chaperone? Unconscious. Worst of all, they find four dolls acting out a murder—dolls dressed just like them.

Suddenly it's clear; they're being hunted. And with the only positive word on her wrist, Sera falls under suspicion…

  • Format:
  • Pages:308 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:1492615749
  • ISBN13:9781492615743
  • kindle Asin:B01JASIXQA

About Author

Natalie D. Richards

Natalie D. Richards

3.46 126809 14242
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