The John Milton Series #7-9

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The John Milton Series #7-9

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You won't be able to put down these nearly 1000 pages of espionage, revenge, thrills and spills. From the Bourne-esque HEADHUNTERS, to dark criminal...

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You won't be able to put down these nearly 1000 pages of espionage, revenge, thrills and spills. From the Bourne-esque HEADHUNTERS, to dark criminal enterprise of THE NINTH STEP and the thrilling THE JUNGLE, don't start this collection late at night - you won't be able to put it down!



He considers himself an artisan. A craftsman. His trade is murder.

Milton is the man the government sends after you when everything else has failed. Ruthless. Brilliant. Anonymous. Lethal. You wouldn't pick him out of a crowd but you wouldn't want to be on his list.

But now, after ten years, he's had enough - there's blood on his hands and he wants out. Trouble is, this job is not one you can just walk away from. He goes on the run, seeking atonement for his sins by helping the people he meets along the way. But his past cannot be easily forgotten and before long it is Milton who is hunted, and not the hunter.


Bury your enemies, and bury them deep.

John Milton thought he was done with Avi Bachman. The most dangerous man he's ever known has been incarcerated in Angola, the brutal Louisiana prison. Inmates rarely leave Angola. Once you go in, the only way out is in a box. But Bachman is no ordinary prisoner. He was an assassin for the Mossad, and he has favours to call in.

Milton is in the Australian outback with an old friend and his flirtatious kid sister, looking for a summer’s peace to put his troubled mind to rest.

But Bachman has other plans.

He thinks that Milton killed his wife, and now he wants revenge.

From Australia to Israel, from Hong Kong to Croatia, here is the conclusion of this brutal chapter in Milton’s life. The two headhunters are on a collision course, and only one of them will walk away.


Milton is keeping a low profile in London when he meets Eddie Fabian. Fabian confesses that he is considering suicide, and that the reason for his depression was the abuse that he suffered as a child. Milton offers to help, but, before he can, Eddie is found dead in circumstances that Milton considers suspicious.

And then events take a turn that no-one could have anticipated…

Milton’s attempted good deed becomes a quest to unveil corruption at the highest levels of government and murder at the dark heart of the criminal underworld.

Milton is pulled back into the game, and that’s going to have serious consequences for everyone who crosses his path.


An assassin haunted by his past. Two young refugees out of their depth and in need of his special talents.

John Milton is no stranger to the world’s seedy underbelly. But when the former British Secret Service agent comes up against a ruthless human trafficking ring, he’ll have to fight harder than ever to conquer the evil in his path.

After Milton meets a refugee who lost a sister to people smugglers, he travels through war-torn Libya and the murkiest parts of Italy and France to get the girl back. As enemies watch his every move, Milton confronts a group of Albanian pimps and smugglers so dangerous, they could easily make this mission his last.

The Jungle is a gripping standalone thriller in Mark Dawson’s bestselling John Milton series.

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  • Language:eng
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  • kindle Asin:B01GGJHN8K

About Author

Mark  Dawson

Mark Dawson

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