The Roots of Coincidence

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The Roots of Coincidence

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That gifted alchemist has presented another mind-teasing monograph on the reciprocity of parapsychology & physics where mind & matter now...

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That gifted alchemist has presented another mind-teasing monograph on the reciprocity of parapsychology & physics where mind & matter now meet destroying "the greatest superstition of our age--the materialistic clockwork universe of early 19th century physics." With an "embarrassingly sketchy survey," Koestler reviews probability theory in terms of Zimmer Cards & Rhine's dice but it seems more than chance which is responsible for the fact that many of Britain's Society for Psychical Research are eminent physicists while increasing accreditation of paranormal life is evident in Russian scientific investigation. Even over here one of Apollo 14's astronauts attempted to establish telepathic contact with four subjects back on earth (the "better than expected" results aren't revealed). He's far more substantial in his discussion of Heisenberg's Principle of Indeterminacy or Uncertainty; Eddington who realized that "the stuff of the world is mind-stuff" & referred to our "psi field"; Eccles who corroborated it further with the concept of will-influence; psychiatrist C.G. Jung & physicist Pauli who collaborated on the theory of synchronicity (echoing Kammerer of The Midwife Toad) or, more accurately & simply put, the role of confluential events & meaningful coincidences. Still much of this had earlier if unacknowledged markers while all proceeding thru the centuries toward some "ultimate Unity."...Even if it remains evidential rather than verifiable, he's managed to transform a subject of "almost painful intellectual discomfort" to one of persuasive speculation, close to conviction.--Kirkus (edited)

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  • ISBN10:0394719344
  • ISBN13:9780394719344
  • kindle Asin:B08J8CPXST

About Author

Arthur Koestler

Arthur Koestler

4.07 61126 4096
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