Only If

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Only If

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Only If" tells the horrific tale of Billy, who has gone crazy from sitting in a jail cell for years and blamed for the murder of his wife......

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More Details

Only If" tells the horrific tale of Billy, who has gone crazy from sitting in a jail cell for years and blamed for the murder of his wife... Throughout the years, he relives that specific night, when he lost his beloved wife, Clara. Stuck in a jail cell, locked away from everyone who had loved him and a memory that continues to haunt him each waking day. To most, he looks and sounds to be a crazy lunatic murderer, but deep down, Billy is just a scarred man with graphic disturbing memories that carry him to the edge of his sanity. Written in a poetic epic style, "Only If" will surely entice the reader to join Billy down memory lane and experience the tragedy that brought him to this very moment in life.

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:52 pages
  • Publication:2016
  • Publisher:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Edition:First
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:1537544039
  • ISBN13:9781537544038
  • kindle Asin:B01N3RM157

About Author

Ariana R. Cherry

Ariana R. Cherry

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