Baby Momma Drama

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Baby Momma Drama

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Older sister Jasmine, a postal worker in Richmond, Virginia, is working hard, saving money, and waiting for the right man to walk into her life. And...

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Older sister Jasmine, a postal worker in Richmond, Virginia, is working hard, saving money, and waiting for the right man to walk into her life. And in fine-dressing, smooth-talking attorney Derrick, she thinks she's found him. Derrick is generous, gorgeous, and oh-so-sexy. But all it takes is some pointed questions from Jasmine's shrewd granny Big Momma to expose her man as nothing more than a lying, drug-dealing hustler. Refusing to admit she's been played, Jasmine chooses to remain faithful to Derrick while he's doing time. That is, until she finds him in a clinch on visiting day with his baby's momma, Wendy. Derrick's big mistake with Wendy pushes Jasmine even further toward the arms of good friend-and good man-Dylan. But when yet another baby momma comes into the picture, Jasmine will have to decide whether the right love is worth the complications that come with it

Little sister Stephanie is looking for a good time, not a good man, although she finds both in sweet, loyal Travis. Before she knows it, a one-night fling has turned into a three-year relationship. But then, Malek, Stephanie's sexy high school sweetheart and the father of her adorable son, swings back into town and that wild part of her wants another taste of the one that got away. Right in the middle of wedding planning, Stephanie falls into a crazy affair with Malek-one that could destroy the best thing that ever happened to her. Big Momma tries to keep Stephanie's little family together, but a woman has to take care of her own life and for Stephanie, part of keeping things real will be learning how to lie in the bed she made for herself. Now that she's the momma, maybe it's time to start acting like a grownup

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
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  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0758200315
  • ISBN13:9780758200310
  • kindle Asin:B00ONTS5MY

About Author

Carl Weber

Carl Weber

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