Designed by Apple in California

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Designed by Apple in California

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Apple releases $300 book containing 450 photos of Apple products. It’s a hardcover edition, bound in linen, and is available in two sizes: $199 for...

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Apple releases $300 book containing 450 photos of Apple products. It’s a hardcover edition, bound in linen, and is available in two sizes: $199 for a smaller 10.20" x 12.75" version, and $299 for a larger 13" x 16.25" edition. The photos inside are all new images shot by Andrew Zuckerman, and will show off 20 years of Apple design "in a deliberately spare style." In a press statement, chief designer Jony Ive described the book as "a gentle gathering of many of the products the team has designed over the years," and hoped that it would serve as a "resource for students of all design disciplines." In the foreword to the book, Ive writes:

While this is a design book, it is not about the design team, the creative process, or product development. It is an objective representation of our work that, ironically, describes who we are. It describes how we work, our values, our preoccupations, and our goals. We have always hoped to be defined by what we do rather than by what we say.

We strive, with varying degrees of success, to define objects that appear effortless. Objects that appear so simple, coherent, and inevitable that there could be no rational alternative.

The book is published by Apple itself, and is dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs. It is, undeniably, an act of corporate vanity publishing on an impressive scale, but it's one Apple deserves to get away with more than pretty much any other tech company. No one denies that when it comes to industrial design, Apple earns the praise it gets.

  • Format:Hardcover
  • Pages:300 pages
  • Publication:2016
  • Publisher:Apple Inc.
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0997513810
  • ISBN13:9780997513813
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

Jonathan Ive

Jonathan Ive

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