Red and Lulu

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Red and Lulu

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Separation and miles cannot keep a determined cardinal from his loved one in an ode to serendipity and belief that is destined to be a new Christmas...

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Separation and miles cannot keep a determined cardinal from his loved one in an ode to serendipity and belief that is destined to be a new Christmas classic.

Red and Lulu make their nest in a particularly beautiful evergreen tree. It shades them in the hot months and keeps them cozy in the cold months, and once a year the people who live nearby string lights on their tree and sing a special song: O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree. But one day, something unthinkable happens, and Red and Lulu are separated. It will take a miracle for them to find each another again. Luckily, it's just the season for miracles. . . . From Matt Tavares comes a heart-tugging story combining the cheer of Christmas, the magic of New York City, and the real meaning of the holiday season: how important it is to be surrounded by love.

  • Format:
  • Pages:40 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Candlewick Press
  • Edition:First Edition
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0763677337
  • ISBN13:9780763677336
  • kindle Asin:0763677337

About Author

Matt Tavares

Matt Tavares

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