Savage Souls (The Runes Universe)

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Savage Souls (The Runes Universe)

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This novel has unfortunately been retired and is no longer for sale online. There are two things 18-year-old Cadence Murphy is proud of: she is an...

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More Details

This novel has unfortunately been retired and is no longer for sale online.

There are two things 18-year-old Cadence Murphy is proud of: she is an amazing Witch with the healing magic of nature, and she can run a five-minute mile. There’s just one tiny problem: an ancient darkness in her blood is messing with her healing abilities. When some very powerful, cruel men want to destroy her for it, she must tempt fate itself to stop them.

Dishonorably discharged from the marines, 20-year-old Drew Richards uses his deadly skills to neutralize criminals and lowlifes… for a fee. So when a wealthy businessman offers half a million to kill some girl, Drew is more than willing—until he sees her, and his priorities change.

But the Norns, weavers of fate, have decided Drew is destined to kill Cadence. Can he resist his destiny? Suspenseful, romantic, and rich with chilling magic, Savage Souls captures the essence of forbidden love—and the consequences that come with it.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:100 pages
  • Publication:2017
  • Publisher:Kindle Worlds
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

S.M. Boyce

S.M. Boyce

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