Bad at Love

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Bad at Love

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She's bad at love, but he's even worse... Marina is hot, blonde, and wickedly smart, but when it comes to men? She's hopeless. Between her quirks...

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More Details

She's bad at love, but he's even worse...

Marina is hot, blonde, and wickedly smart, but when it comes to men? She's hopeless. Between her quirks and her lack of filter, there isn't a man in Los Angeles that will stick around after the third date.

Her handsome, charming friend Lazarus has the opposite problem. Everyone wants to be the sexy Brit's girlfriend, but he gets bored and moves on quickly.

There's only one way to figure out why neither of them has cracked this love thing-- they'll date each other. On paper, it's the perfect experiment. But in reality, things between Marina and Laz get complicated quickly.

They might be bad at love, but they are even worse at being friends.

Note: This full-length romance is a complete standalone with no relation to any other books and was inspired by the Halsey song "Bad at Love."
It does contain ample amounts of profanity, filthy language and graphic sex scenes.
Sensitive readers should be advised.

  • Format:
  • Pages:402 pages
  • Publication:
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  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B077GT91LT

About Author

Karina Halle

Karina Halle

3.96 505947 62331
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