Tinderbox Under Winter Stars (The Tinderbox Tales, #2)

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Tinderbox Under Winter Stars (The Tinderbox Tales, #2)

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Lady Elisandrine “Elise” Falk and Nessa Clay have escaped the clutches of the Queen of Arclid. They've taken on new identities as a married...

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Lady Elisandrine “Elise” Falk and Nessa Clay have escaped the clutches of the Queen of Arclid. They've taken on new identities as a married couple and boarded a ship north, to Storsund, a land of secret societies, snow-packed cities, and steam trains.

As they settle in and make friends - some more comically annoying than others - Nessa and Elise must ask themselves if they’re truly safe under these new winter stars.

A corrupt organisation called Joiners Square stalks the streets and is rumoured to consort with the wicked Queen. Checking every shadow, Elise and Nessa have to decide what is a real threat and what is merely paranoia.

Both Elise and Nessa must overcome their personal issues and challenge themselves. Because now, it is not only their fates that hang in the balance, but also that of two nations.

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  • Pages: pages
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  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
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  • kindle Asin:B07CK6787K

About Author

Emma Sterner-Radley

Emma Sterner-Radley

4.09 2867 747
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