101 UX Principles: A definitive design guide

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101 UX Principles: A definitive design guide

4.12 120 19

Learn from the opinions of a UX expert, evaluate your own design principles and avoid common mistakes. Hear insights from an author who was...

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More Details

Learn from the opinions of a UX expert, evaluate your own design principles and avoid common mistakes.

Hear insights from an author who was trained by the Nielsen Norman Group
Browse over 20 years of collected user experience insights
Accept or reject 101 thought-provoking opinions on design.
Challenge your own ideas on user experience.

There are countless books about designing for the web. They all give multiple routes and options to solving design problems. Many of them are plain wrong.

This has led to an entire generation of designers failing to make interfaces that are usable, software that's intuitive, and products that normal people can understand. 101 UX Principles changes that-with 101 ways to solve 101 UX problems clearly and single-mindedly.

The 101 principles are opinionated. They'll rub some designers up the wrong way, but these principles are rooted in 20 years of building for the web. They're not based on theory-they're based on practice. Simply put, they've been proven to work at scale. There's no arguing with that.

101 UX Principles is a new chapter in user experience. Following in the footsteps of Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, author Will Grant asserts his own ideas on design.

Set to become the go-to manual for UX professionals around the world, 101 UX Principles covers everything from terminology, to planning the user journey. You will come away with an understanding of accessible design and the tools to put new strategies into practice. 101 UX Principles pushes the boundaries of user experience and sets the standard for comment on the industry.

What you will learn:
Use typography well to ensure that text is readable
Design controls to streamline interaction
Create navigation which makes content make sense
Convey information with consistent iconography
Manage user input effectively
Represent progress to the user
Provide interfaces that work for users with visual or motion impairments
Understand and respond to user expectations

This book is for UX professionals (freelance or in-house) looking for shortcuts to making software that users intuitively know how to use, across web, desktop and mobile.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:1
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:1788830733
  • ISBN13:9781788830737
  • kindle Asin:B078TLPTSP

About Author

Will  Grant

Will Grant

4.12 143 27
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