Wardens of Issalia: The Complete Epic Series

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Wardens of Issalia: The Complete Epic Series

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Intrigue, adventure, and betrayal abound in this complete fantasy series box set! Trained at an elite academy and armed with dangerous magic, the...

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More Details

Intrigue, adventure, and betrayal abound in this complete fantasy series box set!
Trained at an elite academy and armed with dangerous magic, the wardens of Issalia must confront a sinister enemy bent on conquest.
Meet the Wardens of Issalia:

Quinn's relentless determination fuels her desire to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Trained as a spy, she infiltrates an enemy stronghold. If only she knew whom she could trust.

Brandt is a prince who lacks a sense of purpose. As a warden, he is forged into something more, building upon his fearless nature and his ability to wield frightening magic. Will his courage be enough when the fate of thousands hangs in the balance?

Cassie, Brandt's twin sister, possesses magic abilities unlike anything recorded. What new ability will she discover next?

Everson is an awkward, disabled teen and a brilliant inventor, melding magic with science. His greatest discovery could liberate him and change the world...or, it could destroy everything.

Puri, a highly skilled archer, is assigned the role of ranger, destined for missions rife with danger. How many will die if she fails?

Curan, is a warrior augmented by magic, capable of slaying dozens of enemy soldiers with ease. Can he overcome the ghosts of those who die by his sword?
A thrilling fantasy adventure filled with magic, intrigue, and betrayal, perfect for fans of Mistborn, Kingfountain, or Six of Crows.

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  • Language:eng
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  • kindle Asin:B07PRDJQGT

About Author

Jeffrey L. Kohanek

Jeffrey L. Kohanek

4.29 13492 1435
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