Doing Time (The Time Police, #1)

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Doing Time (The Time Police, #1)

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At some time in the future, the secret of time-travel became available to all. Chaos ensued as people sought to take advantage. Because there will...

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More Details

At some time in the future, the secret of time-travel became available to all. Chaos ensued as people sought to take advantage. Because there will always be nutters who want to change history...

And so the Time Police were formed. Internationally sanctioned thugs whose task it was to keep the timeline straight by any and all means possible. And they succeeded. The Time Wars are over. The Time Police won. But who will win the peace?

Doing Time follows three hapless new Time Police recruits - Jane, Luke and Matthew - as they try to navigate their first year on the beat. It's all going to be fine. Obviously.

  • Format:
  • Pages:480 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:Reprint
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B07TF5YS7N

About Author

Jodi Taylor

Jodi Taylor

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