From the Ashes (Nuclear Dawn, #3)

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From the Ashes (Nuclear Dawn, #3)

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From the ashes, heroes will rise...In an instant, Miami was devastated by a nuclear bomb. Millions fled the destruction as the lethal fallout...

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More Details

From the ashes, heroes will rise...
In an instant, Miami was devastated by a nuclear bomb. Millions fled the destruction as the lethal fallout descended.

Now, the entire city is a hot zone. Hundreds of thousands of citizens are homeless, hungry, and growing more desperate with every passing hour.

While the government scrambles to respond to the worst humanitarian crisis the U.S. has ever seen, Dakota and Logan flee the hot zone. But the insidious radiation can't be escaped; it's already inside them.

Their only chance to survive is to reach the nearest emergency hospital, but deadly foes are determined to stop them. And in the background, unnoticed, a formidable enemy rears its head...

Point of Impact is an apocalyptic survival thriller exploring what might happen if terrorists executed a nuclear attack on the United States, told from the perspectives of ordinary people determined to survive.

  • Format:ebook
  • Pages:291 pages
  • Publication:2019
  • Publisher:Paper Moon Press
  • Edition:2nd
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

Kyla Stone

Kyla Stone

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