The Rogue Elf of Urlas: Songs of Shadow (The Rogue Elf #1-3)

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The Rogue Elf of Urlas: Songs of Shadow (The Rogue Elf #1-3)

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Darkness descends upon the elven realm and the only thing Kealin cares about is saving his family... but is he powerful enough to save them all?With...

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Darkness descends upon the elven realm and the only thing Kealin cares about is saving his family... but is he powerful enough to save them all?

With his father gone to war...

...and his mother in hiding...

...Kealin must make a decision.

Should he stay and train to defend their Elven land, like his father asked, or head out into the icy waters to try to change fate?

Kealin's choice will set him on a path like none other. Beginning with a voyage across the icy seas with his three siblings, he discovers a power within himself that is not elven at all. It is older, darker, and could be a danger to everyone around him.

Has everything he has been told been a lie?

From a harrowing journey across the frozen North, to enslavement, the riddles of an all-seeing seer, and a battle to decide the future of the elves of the West, an adventure like no other awaits. Kealin searches for his lost family, gaining unforgettable allies like a duo of thieves, wizards, a rebel elven warlord, and even a narwhal companion. But there is something greater hidden within Kealin's journey and that truth might destroy him and everyone he cares about.

This omnibus is the complete Songs of Shadow trilogy, the first great arc of an dark but epic story, and a trilogy that has earned hundreds of fives star reviews on the individual books.

This bundle contains:

Half-Bloods Rising Half-Elf Chronicles Book I
Seer of Lost Sands Half-Elf Chronicles Book II
Shadow of the Orc Star Half-Elf Chronicles Book III​
Get it now at new release pricing!
Embrace the adventures readers have compared to R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt Do'Urden and the Forgotten Realms world!

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  • Edition:1
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  • kindle Asin:B07SJCM9BJ

About Author

J.T.  Williams

J.T. Williams

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