Lawfully Heroic (The Lawkeepers)

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Lawfully Heroic (The Lawkeepers)

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Taking Love and Law Seriously Adam Reynolds has earned a solid reputation as a K9 handler for the Army. He and his partner, Valor, have become...

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More Details

Taking Love and Law Seriously

Adam Reynolds has earned a solid reputation as a K9 handler for the Army. He and his partner, Valor, have become experts in searching for bombs, so when he is offered the chance to train at the elite, Disaster City Search and Rescue facility, he jumps at the chance. What he doesn’t expect is to fall for one of the female instructors.

Clara Burnette is a decorated K9 instructor at Disaster City Search and Rescue. As a woman in a mostly male-dominated profession, she knows it’s never a good idea to get involved with a fellow cop. The problem is, she can’t seem to avoid the attraction brewing between her and new recruit, Officer Reynolds.

Can Adam convince Clara to take a chance on him? What will happen when Adam is summoned back to his previous post? And can these two devoted K9 handlers find a way to be together despite everything that keeps getting in the way?
The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary westerns featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. Join bestselling authors Jenna Brandt, Lorana Hoopes and many others as they weave captivating, sweet and inspirational stories of romance and suspense between the lawkeepers - and the women who love them.

The Lawkeepers is a world like no other; a world where lawkeepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love.

** Note: Each book in The Lawkeepers series is a standalone book, in a mini-series, and you can read them in any order.

  • Format:
  • Pages:140 pages
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  • kindle Asin:B0818M784Z

About Author

Jenna Brandt

Jenna Brandt

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