Late Bloomer

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Late Bloomer

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After a rough start, Malcolm Roy III has cleaned up his act, gotten (mostly) sober, and now stands to inherit his family's wealth and his father’s...

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More Details

After a rough start, Malcolm Roy III has cleaned up his act, gotten (mostly) sober, and now stands to inherit his family's wealth and his father’s business. But Malcolm has a secret: he's spent the last ten years on dangerous suppressants. After collapsing at work, and on his doctor's orders, Malcolm has cut them out completely. Now he has to return to the office, presenting as himself for the first time ever.

As an omega.

Vincent Hoffman has a good life. He's got a home, he's got his cats. He likes his job, even though his boss is the annoying, smarmy son of the CEO. Vincent couldn't ask for anything more. He might've done, once upon a time (or eighteen months ago--but who's counting?), but his ex-fiancee put an end to those dreams when she walked out of his life. For now, Vincent is content.

But after a disaster at the office, his comfortable life is threatened when Malcolm discovers his secret. Despite how he's presented himself all these years, Vincent isn't a harmless beta.

He's an alpha.

Now Malcolm's biological clock is ticking down towards his first heat. He's rich, he's connected, and he's gorgeous--an ambitious alpha could take a lot from man like Malcolm and there'd be nothing he could do about it. He needs to make a choice, and fast: he needs to find an alpha he can trust.

Someone like...

Late Bloomer is a non-shifter, extremely slow burn m/m a/b/o standalone romance novel that features explicit consent in every sex scene, lots of chemistry, mild BDSM themes, no mpreg, and a HEA.

  • Format:
  • Pages:444 pages
  • Publication:
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  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B07SRKXVW3

About Author

Morgan Hawes

Morgan Hawes

4.00 547 122
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