Rusty Nail (Jack Daniels #3)

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Rusty Nail (Jack Daniels #3)

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THE FAMILY THAT SLAYS TOGETHER, STAYS TOGETHER...Lt. Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels of the Chicago Police Department is back, and once again she's up to...

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Lt. Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels of the Chicago Police Department is back, and once again she's up to her Armani in murder.

Someone is sending Jack snuff videos. The victims are people she knows, and they share a common trait -- each was involved in one of Jack's previous cases. With her stalwart partner hospitalized and unable to help, Jack follows a trail of death throughout the Midwest, on a collision course with the smartest and deadliest adversary she's ever known.

During the chase, Jack jeopardizes her career, her love life, and her closest friends. She also comes to a startling realization -- serial killers have families, and blood runs thick.

Rusty Nail features more of the laugh-out-loud humor and crazy characters that saturated Whiskey Sour and Bloody Mary, without sacrificing the nail-biting thrills. This is Jack Daniels's third, and most exciting, adventure yet.

RUSTY NAIL by J.A. Konrath
Death runs in the family...

If you are a more sensitive (or adventurous) reader, this handy scale rates specific categories from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) to give you some idea if this is your kind of book.

Bad Language - 5
Scary - 7
Violent - 7
Funny - 8
Sexy - 3
Crossovers - Features Jack Daniels, Phineas Troutt, Harry McGlade, and includes characters from the Konrath Dark Thriller Collective, the Codename: Chandler series, and the Timecaster series.

  • Format:
  • Pages:292 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Hyperion Books
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:140130088X
  • ISBN13:9781401300883
  • kindle Asin:B00BBE4E5Q

About Author

J.A. Konrath

J.A. Konrath

3.93 156715 12427
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