Make Me Yours (Bayshore, #3)

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Make Me Yours (Bayshore, #3)

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As one of the best matchmakers in the industry, I could find a rotting stump its Prince Charming.After a bad break-up forces me to uproot and start...

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More Details

As one of the best matchmakers in the industry, I could find a rotting stump its Prince Charming.

After a bad break-up forces me to uproot and start over, I’m feeling a lot like a rotting stump in need of a spa day. So when I find my dream gig in a new city, this is a chance for me to wipe the slate sparkling clean—professionally and romantically.

But this new gig has a few problems. The biggest one being that the man I have to match off is someone I went to high school with. Not only that, he’s less Prince Charming and more King Asshole.

Varsity baseball star turned rock star cardiologist. One of the hottest guys you’ve ever seen in the flesh. But also one of the most untouchable men ever, because five minutes around this man shows me he stops for nobody.

The holier-than-thou eldest Daly brother, who is only looking for a wife-of-convenience, even though his ice-blue gaze and chiseled jaw could send a woman to the ER.
Worse yet? There’s more to King Asshole than I thought. I know his perfect love match…and it looks a lot like me.

Except I’m not falling for the ‘dating in the professional pool’ trick again. So this thing between us? Just once—er, twice…nope, thrice—and done.

Even though the longer this goes on, the more I think Dom is trying to make me his.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:2020
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B0848QDSMR

About Author

Ember Leigh

Ember Leigh

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