Proceed with Caution (Ford Brothers, #1)

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Proceed with Caution (Ford Brothers, #1)

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He's a heartbroken heartthrob. She's a fugitive fiance. Sparks fly when Julia flees...right into Colton. Colton all but wears a sign that says ‘No...

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More Details

He's a heartbroken heartthrob. She's a fugitive fiance. Sparks fly when Julia flees...right into Colton.

Colton all but wears a sign that says ‘No Women Allowed’ after his failed marriage to Pam. Pam promised him the world but never delivered. It’s no wonder when he meets the beautiful and intelligent Julia, he doesn’t let his heart pave the way. Colton’s love of his horse ranch, his students, his brothers and his money keep him happy. He doesn’t need or want anything else. When Julia walks into his life, Colton decides it’s best to proceed with caution, and the feeling is mutual.

John is sexy, successful and perfect fiancé material…when he’s not controlling, delusional and downright creepy. But how do you dump a guy your loyal and loving father fixes you up with, without breaking two hearts?

When Julia goes MIA to her estranged sister’s place out of state, John goes ballistic. Especially when her sister works with dreamy-eyed Colton, and Julia finds herself spending a lot of time with them. But it’s difficult to keep someone safe when you don’t know they’re in danger.

Gun-shy, self-protective, and hiding from the truth, Julia is in no position to open her heart to anyone. Particularly when she has to look over her shoulder for her stalker fiancé every step of the way. Fearful and scarred, Julia doesn’t know what to do when her hormones wake up just at the sight of Colton.

It seems no matter what door she opens, both the wolf and the sheep are there. When Julia’s past finally catches up to her, John demands her to do the one thing she can’t do…or die.

Fasten your seat belts, the Ford brothers are here! Pick up your copy today!

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  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
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  • kindle Asin:B07TBV18BZ

About Author

Sandra  Alex

Sandra Alex

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